The industry is gearing up for the mega clash on Independence Day when Stree 2, Vedaa and Khel Khel Mein will be released in cinemas, all on the same day, on August 15. The trailer of Stree 2 was launched last week. Yesterday, on July 23, the makers of Khel Khel Mein unveiled the motion poster and on Thursday, July 25, the cast of the film would release the song 'Hauli Hauli'. The makers of Vedaa are not far behind and if all goes well, the trailer of the John Abraham-Sharvari will be out by Monday, July 29.
A source told Bollywood Hungama, “The team of the film are working on certain modalities. As of now, the date locked for the trailer release is July 29.”
The source further said, “A grand event is being planned in Mumbai. A final call will be taken within a couple of days after which invites will be sent to the media.”
The lead actors of the film – John Abraham and Sharvari – will be present along with director Nikkhil Advani and others at the trailer launch. This would also be the first time in more than a year that John would interact with the media. The last such big event where the dashing actor was seen was the success meet of his 2023 blockbuster Pathaan, co-starring Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone.
Vedaa is backed by Zee Studios, Emmay Entertainment & JA Entertainment. The teaser was released way back on March 19. Earlier, the film was all set to release on July 12. In June, the date was pushed to August 15. On the occasion of Guru Purnima on July 22, a new poster was dropped by the makers. It mentioned the release date in big, bold letters and made it clear that the action entertainer is all set to arrive this Independence Day.
Also Read: Sharvari Wagh celebrates Guru Purnima with special tribute to John Abraham and new Vedaa poster
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