Actor Shahnawaz Pradhan, who played a prominent character in Prime Video’s popular series Mirzapur, died on Friday (February 17) night due to a heart attack. Pradhan was 56 years old and he was in an event, where he had a heart attack, due to which he was taken to the hospital, but the doctor declared him dead. Confirming the news of his sudden demise, actor Yashpal Sharma took to his verified social media handle and dedicated a post as a tribute to the late actor. “Today I attended this program in Mumbai ... Everything was going great ... Ridz Dime Darrell ji's and hundreds of artists were present but shortly after receiving the award our beloved artist Shahnawaz had some attack ... The whole program stopped. A bunch of people and the doctor picked him up early and took him to Kokila Ben Hospital which was the closest but no one could save him and he left,” read his caption in Hindi. He further added, “This is the bitter truth of our life .... Life is beyond our imagination....... Well the program ended well but a life gone..... So many artists gathered in one place and a life ended before our eyes.... Feeling something empty .... Salute to Rita Ki. So many people met at one place but one person left, this sorrow will continue to continue for the whole life .... May his soul rest in peace and courage to the family.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Yashpal Sharma (@iyashpalsharma) As soon as Yashpal shared the post, a section of netizens expressed grief over the demise of the actor. They extended their support to the family and dropped condolence messages in the comments section. Meanwhile, Shahnawaz’s Mirzapur co-star Rajesh Tailang also expressed his grief. He shared a photo of the late actor along with a tweet reading, “Shahnawaz bhai aakhiri salaam !!! / Kya gazab ke zaheen insaan aur kitne behatar adaakar the aap. Mirzapur ke dauran kitna sundar waqt guzara aapke saath, Yaqeen nahin ho raha.” Shahnawaz bhai aakhiri salaam !!! Kya gazab ke zaheen insaan aur kitne behatar adaakar the aap. Mirzapur ke dauran kitna sundar waqt guzara aapke saath, Yaqeen nahin ho raha ????#purushram #mirzapur — Rajesh Tailang (@rajeshtailang) February 17, 2023
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