Over the past few months, a lot of rumours and speculations are making rounds on the internet regarding the third instalment of the iconic comedy franchise, Hera Pheri 3. From Paresh Rawla candidly confirming Kartik Aaryan’s casting in the upcoming film to Akshay Kumar publicly announcing that he has backed out, fans of the series have gone through a rollercoaster ride of emotions. However, finally, there is a good news! The Hera Pheri trio, Paresh Rawal, Akshay Kumar, and Suniel Shetty have started shooting for the film. Yes! You read it right! Our own Raju, Shyam and Baburoa are back on the set for the shooting of Hera Pheri 3. If a report by Pinkvilla is something to go by, then the OG Hera Pheri trio, Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal have started shooting for Hera Pheri 3 today in Mumbai. The report quoted a source revealing, “The original Hera Pheri gang reunites to take this cult franchise forward. While ample meetings about the script have happened over the last few months, the team is now confident that Hera Pheri 3 will do complete justice to all the hype and anticipation around the part 3 of Hera Pheri.” The source further added, “Right from producer Firoz Nadiadwala to the actors – Akshay, Paresh and Suniel are all excited with positivity to return on the set as Raju, Shyam and Baburao.” Also, the director's name is still not known yet. It is worth mentioning here that the first Hera Pheri also went on floors at Empire Studios in Mumbai back in 1999. Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Firoz Nadiadwala remembers Neeraj Vora on his 60th birth anniversary; says he’ll pay a special tribute to Neeraj Vora in Hera Pheri 3: “In the beginning, we’ll mention ‘In the loving and living memory of Neeraj Vora’”
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