Just last week Bollywood Hungama was the first to inform you that Kuttey actor Arjun Kapoor was in talks to feature in filmmaker Homi Adajania’s next venture. Well, while talks with the Ek Villain Returns actor are still on, we hear that the makers of the film are contemplating on roping in Sara Ali Khan to feature in the said venture.

“Talks with Arjun are still underway, but Homi Adajania and team have also approached Sara Ali Khan to feature in the film’, says a well-placed industry source. Further adding that, “Homi is right now talking to both Arjun and Sara if both give their approval to feature in the project; it will be the first time that they will share screen space together. Although right now it is still too early to say anything for certain but it will be good to see this fresh pairing on the big screen”.

Currently on the work front, Arjun Kapoor was recently seen in the film Kuttey and will next be seen in The Lady Killer followed by Meri Patni Ka Remake. On the other hand, Sara Ali Khan who was seen in the 2021 release Aatrangi Re has her hands full with Laxman Utekar next, Gaslight, Ae Watan Mere Watan and Jagan Shakti's next.

Also Read: Sara Ali Khan, Vikrant Massey, Chitrangada Singh starrer Gaslight to release directly on Disney+ Hotstar

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