The Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Pathaan has embarked upon an earth-shattering opening. The word of mouth has been quite positive as the moviegoers have been impressed by the film’s tight narrative, scale, action, emotions, and of course the performances of SRK, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham. The cameo by Salman Khan, which was an open secret, has also been loved unanimously and has contributed to the craze around the film. The advance booking of Pathaan began on January 18 on a rocking note. With each passing day, ticket sales increased. A trade source said, “We all knew that there’s tremendous demand for the film. Yet, we were not prepared to see such kinds of bookings. Hence, many exhibitors and multiplexes increased shows to cater to the insane demand.” It has now come to light that in the Mumbai circuit, Pathaan has more than 20,000 shows a day! The source continued, “In the past, films like RRR (2022), Baahubali 2 – The Conclusion (2017), Avatar: The Way Of Water (2022), Avengers: Endgame (2019), etc also had so many shows in the circuit. But post-pandemic, this is a first for the Mumbai circuit for a Hindi film. It speaks volumes of its hype.” Bollywood Hungama has been continuously reporting about such happening box-office-related developments of Pathaan. In the morning, we reported that exhibitors increased 300 shows of the film right after the first show. At present, the total screen count of the film is 8,000 screens across the world. While 5,500 of these screens are in India, the rest of the 2,500 screens are Overseas. Pathaan is also the first Indian film to release in over 100 countries in the world A few days back, Bollywood Hungama had also exclusively informed readers that Cinepolis multiplex in Seasons Mall, Pune has set a record as it is playing as many as 62 shows of Pathaan in a day. The Thane property of Cinepolis, meanwhile, is playing 59 shows in a day.
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