Veteran actor Kamal Haasan recently wrapped up the fifth season of Bigg Boss Tamil on January 16. During the finale, the actor announced an extended OTT version of the season called Bigg Boss Ultimate. It will be the first-ever OTT version of Bigg Boss Tamil and will be hosted by Kamal Haasan only.

Kamal's return as host to the show will also mark his digital debut. The show will be exclusively available to watch and will premiere on Disney+Hotstar. Unlike the TV format, where the audience only sees the activities of the housemates condensed in the form of a 90-minute episode, the OTT version will allow the fans of the show to watch all the activities of housemates live on a 24/7 basis.

The new season will also reunite some of the most popular contestants from the previous seasons of “Bigg Boss Tamil” seasons and will give them another opportunity to claim the winning title. Reportedly, Vanitha Vijayakumar, Julie, Oviya and Tharshan are some of the names which are doing the rounds.

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