Actress Madhuri Dixit will not be seen in the next upcoming four episodes of the popular dance reality show Dance Deewane 3. The actress decided to stop shooting as the shoot of the show moves out of Mumbai. The government of Maharastra has imposed a complete lockdown in the state owing to stop the shoots for many shows. All the major production in Mumbai led many shows to shift their production location temporarily to keep the shows running till the time lockdown is lifted up.
Dance Deewane 3, like many other shows, too decided to shift its locations and have decided to set up its shoot base in Bangalore, Karnataka. All the major shows are currently shooting in bio-bubble format. As Madhuri Dixit is unavailable for the upcoming shoots, reports suggest that Sonu Sood and Nora Fatehi might be seen in the upcoming episodes of Dance Deewane 3.
Recently, the actress also received her 2nd dose of Covid-19 vaccination and posted the same on her Instagram handle.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Madhuri Dixit will next star in Netflix series
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